作者:秋凉 | 发布日期:自2022年3月底以来,全球新冠感染人数与死亡人数呈持续下降趋势。在过去一周(4月18日至4月24日),纳入WHO监测的六个区域中,累计报道新冠感染者超过450万,新报道新冠死亡案例15,000例。与上一周相比,本周的感染人数和死亡人数环比分别下降21%和20%。但是,确诊患者在美洲(9%)和非洲地区(32%)呈现了上升的势头。由于印度死亡报告数据的滞后,导致上周报告的东南亚新冠死亡人数环比上升41%,非洲地区的死亡案例报道数也上升了110%。
在本期周报中,我们更新了循环SARS-CoV-2 VOCs的地域分布信息,提供了关于现阶段奥密克戎变异株的流行病学证据。同时,我们也发布了关于疫苗对德尔塔毒株和奥密克戎毒株有效性的数据。
Globally, the number of new COVID-19 cases and deaths has continued to decline since the end of March 2022.
During the week of 18 through 24 April 2022, over 4.5 million cases and over 15 000 deaths were reported, decreases of 21% and 20% respectively, as compared to the previous week. However, an increase in the number of new weekly cases was reported from the Regions of the Americas (+9%) and the African Region (+32%), and the number of new weekly deaths increased in the South-East Asia Region (+41%), due to a delay in reporting of deaths from India, and in the Africa Region (+110%).
As of 24 April 2022, over 500 million confirmed cases and over six million deaths have been reported globally.
In this edition, we provide an update on the geographic distribution of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs), including the prevalence and summary of current evidence of the Omicron variant. We also provide updates on vaccine effectiveness for the Delta and Omicron variants.